
The journey of MBA begins right after you fill the GMAT examination forms. The caravan passes through various halts. And the first halt on its way is the GMAT examination, where the applicants spend numerous hours in preparation. Once you clear it, you have to submit your resume to seize a seat in your dream B-school. A resume is the part of the application process which allows the admin to know about the career and academic accomplishments of the prospective candidate. What does an MBA applicant’s resume look like ? 

Difference Between CV and Resume:

The most important things are to mark a difference between CV and Resume, a CV may include several other personal details such as the date of birthday and the like. While Resume is highly professional, concise and accomplishment focused.

What is the need for a Resume?

A resume is an instrument to reveal your areas of expertise in skills, education, and accomplishments to the interviewer. Your resume is the first impression which influences the interviewer. You must be aware of the fact that your GPA and GMAT scores signify that you’re capable of edging your thinking like an MBA student. Your resume shows how you’ve approached and what you’ve learned from your internships, jobs and other opportunities which have come your way. 

It is the only weapon for you which will assist in the cutthroat competition for allocating seats in top global B-school. In 2008, the Graduate Management Admission Council surveyed and found out that both admissions officers and employers who hire graduating MBAs look for:

  • Business management knowledge
  • Communication skills including persuasive, presentation and written communication skills
  • Technical or quantitative skills
  • Ability to apply business discipline to any job or function

Resume Format

The font size for the resume should be between 10-11. The preferable font type is Times New Roman. Use the following subheadings, work experience, education and additional.

The top of your resume should include the following contact information:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Your resume should carry all post-school alongside significant temporary jobs. At the point when posting your work history, make certain to include:

  • The name of the company you worked for
  • The location of the job
  • Dates of employment
  • Job title/which department you were in
  • Your roles, responsibilities and achievements

Each bullet point after a vocation posting ought to show what the circumstance was, the manner by which you settled it and what the definitive result was.

Most MBA candidates utilize the opposite ordered organization for their MBA application resume. The upside of this organization is that it demonstrates how your experience and interests have advanced after some time. Attempt to keep your resume to one page.

Resume Tips

Here are some tips to help you write your resume:

  • Each job role listed should be described by no more than four bullet points. Each bullet point should be precise in nature, say not more than two lines.
  • Revise the bullet points and assure that they accurately reflect your role and business skills.
  • Ensure the content of your resume supplements the profession objectives expressed in your expositions.
  • Your past academic achievements show what  type of student you will be, so ensure you include them under the education section of your MBA application resume
  • An admissions officer goes through a resume within 45 seconds. Be sure the language you opted must draw the maximum of their attention.
  • Write a short description of your 3-4 main projects you worked on 
  • You should not be over descriptive while recounting your hobbies.


Check out the GMAT Eligibility Criteria for 2019

Traditional Sections

HEADING/CONTACT INFORMATION:  This section should include your name, address, telephone number and email address.  It is very important to use an email address that is professional and simple.  For example (Do NOT use an E-mail address that is unprofessional such as  If you are applying for jobs away from campus, including both your campus and home address and contact information so that they can reach you at either location.

OBJECTIVE OR SUMMARY:  Include a statement which discusses your skills and how you can add value to the organization.  You may include what types of positions and fields interest you.  Overall there should be two sections if you choose to write an objective.  First, show how you can provide value to the employer: why should they be interested in you? Second, you want to indicate what you are looking for. Be precise if applying for a specific position. For a job fair, it is okay to be broader with the types of positions because you may not know what positions will present themselves.


To obtain an internship in the financial services industry with a particular focus on investment banking and asset management where my excellent analytical and communication skills may be applied.


Educator with over 5 years teaching experience with:

  • Creative, innovative and challenging lesson plans
  • Passionate, enriching instruction
  • Excellent classroom management skills
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Student-centered learning

EDUCATION:  All colleges and universities which you attended and received a degree must be listed in this area in reverse chronological order – with the most recent one listed first.  If you have attended a higher education institution but did not graduate, you do not have to list it here.  This section should include the name of the college or university, the address of the college or university (city and state), your major along with the month and year of graduation.  The CGPA can be included in this section if it is over 3.0/4.0 (on a 4.0 scale), if not you can omit it.  It is very important not to lie about your CGPA or round up because employers often ask for a copy of your official transcript which includes your exact CGPA.

EXPERIENCE:   List your work experience in reverse chronological order – most recent first.  For each position, list your employer’s name, town or city and state.  Tab over and indicate the dates of employment to the right and on the next line write your job title.


The Hartford Group, Hartford, CT 7/02- Present

Human Resource Consultant

Include clear and specific bullet or accomplishment statements of your responsibilities. Describe the skills you used, what you did and the results. Start with your most responsible job duty, and work down to the more routine part of your job.  Begin each sentence with a powerful action verb to catch the employer’s attention.  Try to quantify if possible.  Be sure to use present tense verbs to describe your current employment or internship, and use past tense verbs when describing any past jobs/internships.


HONORS: Includes any honor societies or special awards for academic or personal achievement (i.e. Dean’s List, President’s List, Eagle Scout, academic scholarships, etc.)

RELEVANT COURSES: List four or five courses by name (as they are listed in the course catalog) which are relevant to your major or the position for which you are applying. List these courses in order of interest or importance to the employer.  Do not use introductory courses if you have advanced coursework to offer.  However, if you have a lot of work experience, volunteer experience, or activities and space on your Resume is limited, this section may be left out.

RELATED SKILLS:  Make sure to include skills that relate to the job to which you are applying.  Even if your previous jobs have not been directly related to your final career choice, you may have learned skills that are valuable.  Examples could include:

  • Computer Science or MIS major: list hardware and software skills, programming languages, operating systems, applications, networks, etc.
  • Graphic Design major: graphic skills (typesetting, layout, photo and darkroom, desktop publishing, etc).
  • Biology or Chemistry major: laboratory skills (histology, cell culture, staining, etc.) and equipment or instrumentation skills.
  • Art major: exhibitions, prizes earned, independent projects (freelance experience), drawing and painting skills, etc.
  • Music major: orchestral, chamber music, festivals, recordings, awards, etc.
  • Language Skills: These are very important, especially if you know Spanish! List the level of ability: basic conversation, proficiency, near fluency or fluency. Also include sign language skills.

RELATED EXPERIENCE:  If you have specific work experience – an internship, co-op, or volunteer experience in your chosen field – highlight this in a separate category to make it stand out.  For example, if you worked at an advertising agency, you can call this ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE and list it separately from your other work experience. You may also include a RELATED PROJECTS section in which you list any projects you are working on, or have worked on, in class which is related to the position you are seeking.

VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES/EXPERIENCE: This is an important section – it can highlight transferable skills directly related to a position you are seeking.

Have more questions? Need more motivation? Call us for a free counselling session today! CareerLabs will be glad to help you in your GMAT preparation journey. You can ask for any assistance related to GMAT and MBA from us by calling us at +91 6366004441. you can write to us at


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